Wednesday, July 11, 2012

"Are you a Credit Thief?"-Part 2

Continuing on with last week’s thought process.

God forbid that I should glory in others-  I feel like….a least for me, this is a bigger temptations than we realize.  Let me be clear, when I say “God forbid I should glory in others” I don’t mean to say “God help me not to follow some guy down to Mexico and drink kool aid.”  I believe that it is much more subtle than that.  How many people are “so in love” that they will not follow Christ because of their significant other.  Why, you could be two saved, sanctified, devoted Christians, but if one of you begins to regarding the other more than God the foundation of your relationship crumbles and the relationship itself follows soon…….it can happen so easily.  The fact is people put their salvation in other people all the time; because the gratification is instant and the satisfaction personal (it’s all about you and the other person), but the contentment is absent and the peace of God lost.
                The world is filled with other people.  People who have things I don’t have and can do things I cannot do.  Society tends to elevate the exceptional.  Sports, Business, Music, Literature, the exceptional person is always lifted up whether they want to be or not.  We as Christians must be careful not to glory in others, for in our glorying we will fall victim to coveting, and wanting; if not that, then idolatry.  Satan is more subtle than any other creature.  The end of the matter is this: are we not Christians?  Followers of Christ?  Let us walk as such and glory as such.  “No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life that he may please him which hath chosen him to be a solider.”- II Timothy 2:4

God forbid that I should glory….period.- Not in myself, not in my job, not in others, not in my stuff, not in anything.  “God forbid that I should glory save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me and I unto the world.” (Galatians 6:14) It is Jesus who saved me, and  he who sanctified me.  He validated the plan of salvation.  It is he who brought victory over: sin, death, and hell.  He keeps me free from sin, and grants me a blessed life of righteous; TRULY, “all to him I owe” and in his cross only should I glory and give all glory to.  For the cross is the key that open the doors of heaven to all men.  God forbid that I should glory.  God forbid I take any for my own.

Thoughts?  Please send to
P.S. “I am thinking of a rapture”…….Raise your hand if you are excited for Campmeeting!!! (if you don’t know what Campmeeting is send me a e-mail and I will gladly tell you all about it)