Wednesday, July 2, 2014

God giveth the increase!

Hello all! My name is Stephen Copeland. My good friendPatrick asked me to fill in this week as he is working at a kids camp.  I hope this Wednesday finds all of you doing well. Just wanting to share a few the thoughts I’ve had this week.

1 Corinthians 3:5-7 KJV
5: Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the Lord gave to every man?
6: I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.
7: So then neither is he that planteth anything, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase.

The church I was raised in and currently attend believes in letting the Holy Spirit lead and have free course in our services. Compared to the more traditional churches we are a lot more laid back and open to different people speaking, starting songs, and freedom of worship. My wife and I had the opportunity while out of town to attend a different church with a couple of friends. It was one of my first experiences going to another church other than the one I was raised in so I was very curious to see how the service was conducted. As the service went along, ashamedly, I found myself having to fight to be positive. It seemed the Devil was trying to plant all kinds of negative thoughts about whatever I might find different or wrong about the service, preacher, etc. It’s so very human to be in a new place and to be a bit intimated. And the mean ol’ devil comes along and will use anything to try to get us down and negative. But the Lord came to me in his quiet and peaceful way and helped to calm my thoughts down. I love how God can speak in our lives!

I began to look around and look at all the people sitting around me. I realized I had no clue what each person may be dealing with in their lives. I’m sure there were some attending that service that were going through an incredibly hard time. Whether it be the loss of a loved one, financial worry, relationship problems, whatever, it can be stressful. The message the preacher was delivering might have been exactly what someone needed! I don’t know if the preacher’s words that day were for planting or watering, but all in all, God giveth the increase! Lord help me to just trust in your Holy Spirit! I know whenever I have the opportunity to speak for my Jesus I feel a weight to use all the right words to convey what the Lord has done for me in my life. While that’s not such a bad thing, I want to speak boldly and freely and know that If God is in it, He will give the increase.  Who am I to ever have doubt about what the Lord might be doing in someone else’s life. God’s plan is WAY bigger than my little thoughts will ever be.

God’s word always has a way to bring me right back to where I belong. I feel very humbled by God’s grace and mercy toward me and my lowly thoughts. I hope whomever does take the time to read through my musings for the week will take time to open God’s word and let it teach and lead your life. God has amazing plans for all of us! But we have to live according to his word. The bible doesn’t compromise it’s standard of living for anyone or anything. Thank you all for your time and I hope y’all have a great week!