Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Question Week: God & sin

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”-John 3:16

Question: Why does an all-powerful and all-knowing God, care so much about me sinning?

Short Answer:
He cares about sin because he cares about us.

Long Answer

To truly understand why God is so concerned with sin; we first must understand the nature of God, and then the nature of sin.  The Holy Bible is the inspired Word of God.  Holy men of old spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost and they wrote to us the Word of God.  Within this book contains all the answers to life on earth, and life eternal.  In addition to that, it gives us insight into the character of God, the heart of God, and the ways of God.  Truly, we could never understand the God in total, no more than an ant could totally understand the world he lives in, but we can learn from the Bible truths about God and about who He is.  Firstly, God is love. The love that a mother has for her newborn child, God is.  The love that makes a marriage last a lifetime, God is.  The love that causes one man to die for another, God is.  The love that God is and the love that God has for all humanity is evident in humanity, but far greater than can ever be seen in humanity.  The love of God is bigger and more powerful than anything we can ever imagine.  The second thing God is; God is just.  He is as just as he is loving, and he is as loving as he is just.  When a parent tells their child “don’t do that;” and they do it anyway, there is punishment administered for the disobedience.  To not discipline the child would be unjust, and further, to just let them continue in their disobedience would be wicked.  In this we see the love of God, and the judgement of God walk hand in hand.  Finally (at least for this tract), God is holy.  He does not sin, and cannot be associated with sin.  It is like fire and water or light and darkness; the two cannot mix.  Therefore, those that would dwell in God, and with God must have the characteristics of God.  Sin is the exact opposite of God.  It hates and does not love, it is unjust, selfish, and unrighteous.  Sin separates us from God.  It takes many forms in this wicked world; pride, lust, envy, backbiting, fornication, adultery, idolatry, and the list goes on and on.  The wickedness of sin only serves to separate us further and further from a God that loves us, will judge us, and desperately wants us to be holy like He is.  It is enmity against God and not subject to the law of God.  This evil is the very thing that universally plagues mankind; it keeps us from peace with God and peace with one another. 

God cares so much about sin because he care so much about His creation.  He loves us, he made us in his imagine, and he gave us choice; free will.  We then disobeyed Him, from that disobedience sin entered into the heart of man and has brought destruction to us ever since.  God longs for us to come back to Him, he loves us and he wants to: redeem us, save us, and bring us into His holiness.  For this purpose, he sent his only Son Jesus Christ to die for us.  That we might be sanctified, that is: redeemed, saved, and holy.  Sin is the problem and Jesus is the solution.