“Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.”-2 Peter 1:4
Life is full of promises. Promises that you make and promises that others will make to you. It is likely you have had someone promise you something, and they have broken that promise. It is just as likely that we have broken a few promises ourselves. Man is fallible, but God is faithful.
From an early age, kids’ pickup on promises made to them saying things like: “Daddy, you promised.” My dad was quick to counter this and implement the “we’ll see” method so as not to overcommit himself. And now, I do the same, because when you make a promise, you set yourself up to proceed in the realms of faith and trust. We all make promises. Promises to your kids, your family, your spouse, friends, employers, and employees. Promises are a pledge, declaration, with which it binds the promisor in conscience and honor. Promises to bind us together, they make up an essential component of society. Faith and trust are the building blocks of promises. To keep them builds up faith and trust, and to break them tears it down. Therefore, when someone makes you a promise, and you act on it, you are exercising faith in that promise and that person. You are saying “I trust your word.” Do you trust God’s Word today? Do you believe His promises? Then act. Act on them. In Hebrews eleven it tells of a people of faith who acted in faith on God’s promises. Noah, at God’s word, began building a boat long before it ever rained. God called Abraham out of his own country to go to a land which Abraham knew not. God made Abraham a promise that he would be the father of many nations, and Abraham obeyed God in faith. Joseph believed the same promise that God gave Abraham and asked that they would carry his bones up out of Egypt to the land of Canaan. Moses believed God and left the lap of luxury, esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than that of Egypt. Gideon went to battle against incredible odds, believing the Word of God, over the evidence of strategy. They believed the promises and waited for the promise. The promise of the Father that would solidify all promises. A promise that Jesus would come, die, rise again, and send the Holy Ghost to fulfill the promise to dwell with us. To adopt us, to give us power to become the sons of God. To deliver us from the snare of Satan. To assure us of a home in heaven. To separate us from a life of sin. To comfort, guide, and teach us. To be an everlasting testament and cornerstone of all of God’s promises to us. God has given unto us exceeding great and precious promises. “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” Promise. “I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.” Promise. “Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.” Promise. Take time, take down your Bible, and read all the promises that God has made to us. We can stand on the promises of God. We can believe them, trust them, and we can have confidence in them. We can act in faith with them. As the hymn says: “they are builded sure and strong for the conflict with the wrong, God’s promises are never known to fail.”
The same God that sacrificed for us, is willing to sanctify us, and carry us through this life into a home in heaven. The promises of God are indeed exceedingly great and precious. Believe, trust, and act on them.