Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Good Doctrine

“For I give you good doctrine, forsake ye not my law.” – Proverbs 4:2

These days, when it comes to information, sometimes it is hard to know who to trust.  We certainly have plenty of it.  The plain fact is, we have more information available to us than ever before, but just because you get a million Google hits that doesn’t mean that you have a million right answers.  Even though we have the ability to educate ourselves on almost anything we want to, it still doesn’t rid us of the fear that people are trying to pull the wool over our eyes.  The contrary is true as well, it doesn’t enable us to just follow every trend and new fad that marches along with the masses.  We cannot always know what to trust or who to follow.  However, at some point, you have to trust, something.  The question then becomes, where is good doctrine?  What do you call upon to guide you? 
What you believe will define you.    If you don’t believe in eating meat then you will probably not be a cattle farmer. If you don’t believe that being a good father is important, than odds are good you won’t be a good father.   If you don’t believe the law applies to you, then it is likely that one day you will find yourself in prison.  When Jesus said “I came not to bring peace but a sword.”  He understood and was helping us to understand that His doctrine would divide humanity.  It would do so because what we believe defines us, and when we believe in Him it will cause us to do and not do certain things.  It will cause us to go and not go certain places; and it should cause us to behave and not behave a certain way.  When you really believe in Jesus Christ, it should fundamentally change who you are.  We all believe in something, the question is not if you believe, but what do you believe in?
Jesus Christ gives us good doctrine.  His message and teachings are for our benefit and the benefit of others, and that is good.  The doctrine is true and perfect, and that is good.  Finally, it is backed by the absolute authority and all those who believe it and live it will find blessings and peace, which is good.  Jesus does not need lawyers, but witnesses.  Jesus does not need us to defend his law and doctrine, we don’t need to fabricate and construct lengthy orations as to why this is the way.  No, we need to live it out, and testify it out, and as the Lord blesses (which he will do); we just witness to the goodness of his doctrine.  We witness with our lives and our lips, while we vote with our feet.  Jesus Christ proves himself in the believer, and He will prove himself, and He will glorify the Father.  “It is not in a man that walketh to direct his steps but the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord.”  His doctrine is good, it is good for you, it is good for me, and it is good for mankind.  The reasons for this are lengthy and the time spent to orate them would be staggering but the sum of it all would ultimately be this…..the goodness of His doctrine is derived from the goodness of God; and “God is love.”

When you believe in Jesus and make him Lord of your life you are believing in love, you are championing love; not the superficial love that we find in movies and television.  No, this is a greater love: real, genuine, self-sacrificing, life changing, and all inspiring love that only Christ can offer.  A complete and perfect love that is the birth right of all mankind; regardless of race, creed, sex, or color.  This has been offered to us, given to us, and we are the ones who are to profit from believing this good doctrine and forsaking not the law of God.  The Christian life is a blessed life; a life of love.  This is the good doctrine, a doctrine worth believing, and a doctrine worth living.