Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Are we Trees? or Chaff?

The rivers of time rage on, dragging our bodies and minds along with it.  Everything that is natural is both fleeting and decaying.  Perhaps this is why Solomon wrote of all his wealth “vanity of vanities all is vanity.”  What I have been thinking on this week is:  What is sure?  What is not?
The first chapter of Psalms paints a vivid picture of what is sure.  He that will refuse to walk in the way of the ungodly; meaning if something or someone is not Godly you’re not going the way they go, talking the as they talk, and acting as they act.  Godly is not sinful and sinful is not Godly.  A man that is abstaining from the ungodly and delighting in the things of God; this man is likened to a tree planted by a river that bares bountiful fruit year after year.  Consider the characteristics of this tree.  This tree is strong, plentiful, and consistent.  This man and this way of living is sure.
Now let us turn our focus back to ungodliness and the ungodly, they are likened to the chaff which the wind driveth away.  Chaff is the “fluff” part of the wheat plant, if you will.  It is worthless; and disposed of when the grain is winnowed.  Winnowing is the act of throwing the wheat grain in the air with the chaff, the breeze then blows the chaff away and the useful, nutritious wheat grain falls back to the ground.  The Bible equates ungodly men and their ungodly practices to chaff; a worthless substance that will wisp away given the slightest breeze.  Following after God and living a holy, Sanctified, separate from sin life is as sure as a mighty tree located by a life giving river.  Following after satan and his lying, manipulating, and sinful ways is as sure as the chaff on the stalk of a wheat plant.

Now I ask: What is sure?  What do you want to follow after?

“19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:” – Deuteronomy 30:19

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