Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Who is the Wizard of your Oz?

The book of Judges puts most modern day action movies to shame.  Right now, we are “blitzing” the Old Testament in our Sunday school class, and we just finished Judges.  While reading it I repeatedly found myself shaking my head and thinking “I cannot believe that this is in the Bible.”  But it is; stories of: violence, immorality, deceit, torture; terrible, terrible things.  Now I don’t presume to answer the question “Why is that story in the Bible?” however God blessed me with this thought the other day; and I would like to share.

“In those days there was no king in Israel; every man did that which was right in his own eyes.” – Judges 21:25

The book of Judges gives us a glimpse into what humanity is capable of; if our righteousness is left up to ourselves.  When we refuse to submit, refuse to be governed, refuse to follow God; Judges is an example of what can become of us.  We are born into an inescapable carnality; and despite what we may think it rules our being (unless purged).  The devil feeds people with the same ole lies “Go your own way, and do your own thing.”  He would have us all believe that the righteousness that is right in our own eyes; is enough to get us into heaven.  Satan will have every man think that he is the master of his own universe; because if we think that, then guess what, God is not the master.  The devil doesn’t mind being second best, as long as anything, but God, is first.  He doesn’t care, he would have us all think that we are the Wizard of our very own Oz; and all the while sit quietly behind the curtain, orchestrating us to our own destruction………. “In those days there was no king in Israel, and every man did that which was right in his own eyes.” 
Who is king in your life?  Who reigns in the throne room of your heart?  Do we live in such a way that pleases God?  Do we do what is right in his eyes?  Or is the contrary true, there is no king, no ruler, no justification…….but our own justification.........No king, no cross, no sacrifice.  The bottom line is this: when men take righteousness into their own hands, all that will be manifested is unrighteousness.  Why?  Because in the heart of everyman is the seed of unrighteousness; but just as God sent the mighty kind David to effectively rule and guide the Jewish people; so we have a king, King Jesus, who can come into our hearts in the person of the Holy Ghost.  He can dwell within, he can reign within, and he can give righteousness and true holiness.  You can go from having the book of Judges in your heart to having Galatians 5: 22-23 in your heart.

Did you have any thoughts on the matter? Please share:
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