“Come they told me
A new born king to see
Our finest gifts we bring
To lay before the king
So to honor him
When we come”
“That he would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear. In holiness and righteousness before him, all the days of our life.” – Luke 1: 74-75
In this life, we are all little drummer boys (or girls). Each day, each step, each decision we make the rhythm of our life is being played. The song of our soul poured out on our drum. This instrument of life (the ability to live) is what God gave to us, and we play on it as we see fit. God has given us choice, and we can choose whom we would serve; ourselves and the devil, or the God that loves us. This choice was bought for us; bought by God’s own Son on a cross. This man, Jesus Christ, left the hallowed halls of heaven and was born in a manger to a virgin Mary. He came and dwelled among the forsaken, rejected, wretched, and poor. He lived this life sanctified to God and then sanctified Himself on a cross so that we might be sanctified. God’s amazing grace was embodied in Jesus Christ. The Savior of the world, the Lamb that was slain, the little baby born in a manager. He bought and brought a way out of sin for you and me. We come into this world carnal, wretched, needy, and sinful; but Christ our Savior has made a way that we might have life in this life and have it more abundant. There is now a choice to every man, you can live for yourself (your desires, your wishes, your ambitions) or you can live for him. You can play your song of life to honor your own selfish desires, or you can play for the King who gave His life so that you might serve him. He bled for you, died for you, Christ loved you so much that he was willing to sacrifice himself for your chance at spiritual life. Willing to sacrifice himself so that we can have this gift of hope.
We have one life to live. One song to play. There is no gift we can bring to honor the King. “I am a poor boy too, and I have no gift to bring that’s fit to give our King.” However, our time on earth that God has given to us to be stewards of. We are drummers playing for whom we choose. Let us play our drum for Him and play our best for Him. Him who left heaven, was born in a manager, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords who became a servant to all and suffered on a cross; resurrected on the third day the conquering Lord bringing unto us the gift of salvation. Let us play for Him.
(lyrics at top: Little Drummer Boy, adapted)