Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Service & Warfare

Our warfare is not with each other.  It is not over land, territory, or political ideology.  The battleground today is the same as it was then, it hasn’t changed.  We are fighting for God, and against sin.  We are not just fighting for God, in the sense that we carry his banner and raise His flag; but we are fighting, for God.  We are fighting to keep Him at the center of our hearts, and our lives.  To keep the integrity of the scriptures alive within, and evident without.  That all who see us might know the true expression of Christ.  Might see a servant of the Lord God, and Christ.  Herein we strive, lawfully, under the direction and guidance of the Holy Spirit.  Unconcerned with the wind and weather of this changing world, but with fixed hearts, focused minds, extreme obedience, and power of the Holy Ghost; we soldier on.  On, and on until the end of our service here.