Wednesday, December 19, 2018

A Lesson From Turtle Park

“Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.” –Proverbs 16:18

Like children, we adults can glory in just about anything.  A child climbs to the top of a jungle gym and they raise their hands in triumph.  Adults reach the top of the corporate ladder and do the same.  Really, we never grow up, our playgrounds only get bigger.  “Pride goeth before destruction” because pride exalts self.  It tends you to want your way and your will; essentially you become one who has no adult supervision; abandoning the faithful Father who can save you.  Who can save you from yourself. 

There is a place located in downtown Albany, GA where only the brave and courageous at heart frequent.  It is called “Turtle Park”.  It is a place of absolute pandemonium.  A place of total anarchy.  A place where every toddler from far and near descend on this enormous outdoor play park.  Near the entrance there is a sign with the following words written on it: “Adult Supervision Required.”  Even in this small micro setting of human interaction.  The necessity is placed on providence.  Providence from those (hopefully) who are loving, caring, wise, and without ignorance.  Providential care is an absolute necessity to entrance into the park.  Likely, you have never been to Turtle Park.  So imagine, if you will, sixty plus toddlers, running, jumping, crawling, sliding, pushing, climbing; sugar rushing through their veins and their little minds constantly devising ways to promote more and more enjoyment for themselves.  With little regard for all else.  Carnal law is the only law.  Shoving one another aside to be the first.  Provoking their fellow playmate for enjoyments sake.  The idea of advancement and self-gratification the mantra of the park.  Now take this scene, as wild as it already is, and remove the adults; take away those who understand ideas such as sharing, giving, fair play, restraint, love, courtesy, kindness, forgiveness etc.  Take away those who can invoke humility and discipline.  Remove the idea of providential care.  What do you think would happen?  Would Turtle Park evolve itself towards morality and righteousness?  Would love overcome selfish ambition?  No.  The selfishness would only abound, because we are inherently carnal.  We are naturally prideful, and self-serving.  We are born in sin and shapen in iniquity.  Whether you choose to admit it or not, when you reject Jesus Christ, you resolve to live a life of “No Adult Supervision.”  In the play park, a lot of the anguish that was inflicted on a child, by a child, was a direct result of disobedience. In fact, most of the unrest (crying, hollering, screaming, etc.) found in the play park was a direct result of disobedience.  One must understand that carnality cannot be allowed to run amok, unchecked.  If we as a people willingly accept the constraints of the gospel and take our stand against all sin; both committed and carnal.  If we yield to God’s providential care that can save from sin.  That can save us from ourselves, pulling us out of the horrible pit of pride.  If we could do that, this world would be a far better place to live.  However, letting pride take hold and thinking us the master of our own lives, puts us in a place of no adult supervision, a place of total anarchy of the heart.  Is this really what you want for your life?  Is this really what you want to teach those coming behind you?  That there is no adult supervision needed?

God wants us to become as little children.  He wants us to trust and rely on him; to look to him for guidance and direction.  He wishes for us to seek his approval and take comfort in his supervision.  If we, like a good son/daughter, take the counsel of the Father and follow Him it will serve both us, and those around us.  Though some may not want to admit it, adult supervision is required; although not imposed.  God will not guide your life unless you let him.  He will maintain providence over all.  He is Almighty no matter how we choose, and is just in condemning us to a sinners hell if we reject His Son.  This will not change.  However, we maintain the choice to serve Him.  That providence is wholly ours, and when we humble ourselves and yield that back to Him, he is glorified and we are saved.  Let God be the master of your life.