Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Time is now

“Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” James 5:16

At what point is a nation considered Godless?  Is it when they majority of the population worship idols?  Is it when the majority of the people want more of the world and less of God?  Is it when the leaders of the land serve only themselves?  Or is it when those that are claiming to be righteous; live only to the standards of the unrighteous?  Fact is, God will always have people.  The question is, will we be that people?  May God help us, our country is sick and dying, if we indeed the watchman on the wall to whom does the responsibility of the city lye? (Ezekiel 33)
Some may say: “Ok, I agree with you, we are in bad shape; but I don’t know what to do about it.”  My brother, my sister, I freely confess, if you feel this way, I feel the same.  Now, when I say “I don’t know what to do” by that I mean, I don’t have a business model tucked away in a drawer somewhere titled “How to bring about a Revival.”  When I begin to think about the challenges our Nation, Church, young people are facing today; it makes me want to go hide in a cave.  Or better yet, keep a decent nine to five job, make enough to pay my bills, find a social circle that aligns with my values and beliefs, and spend my small amount of leisure time as I please. After that is accomplished, I will then do everything I can to defend MY plan, and leave the rest of you unfortunate folks to your own demise.  On “how” to bring about Revival I have no response, but I know one thing, hiding in a cave will not work……..neither will the other plan for that matter………..perhaps they are one in the same.
We have to believe that there are many out there today that have a burning desire to do what is right; many among us who are willing to “draw the sword, throw the scabbard away, and work for the Lord.”  But for all our passion and zeal alas we lack direction, we don’t know what to do.  But, to quote the late Brother Went Miller, “we know the knower.”   We know a God who can create all that you see in six days.  We know a God who can roll back the mighty waters of the Red sea.  We know a God that loves mankind so much that he sent his Son to walk as we walk, feel as we feel, live as we live; and after he had: ministered, taught, and LIVED a holy life; he willing went to a cross so that we can do the same.  While we may not “know” how to usher in the flood tides of Revival, we know a God that does…………and we can ask him what to do..........And maybe you have, or have been.  But let us draw nearer, pray harder, press closer; let us no more say we don’t know what to do but rather I know one thing I can do. 
I can pray, I can seek God’s will and ask him what he wants me to: do, say, teach, give.  I can let him lead me to sacrifice; I can YEILD to the perfect LEADING of the Holy Spirit.  “The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but they are MIGHTY.” (2 Corinthians 10:4)  The battle is not lost, NO, but rather ours to fight; and we have a mighty general, a fearless captain, “The Old Ship of Zion is a great man of war.  Oh Glory!  Hallelujah.  She. Has. Never. Lost. A. Battle!  Halleluiah!”  From this day forward, let us no longer say we don’t know what to do, but rather we know one thing we can do:

We can pray; like never before.  For my brother, my sister, if there ever was a time to seek the will of God; that time is now.

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” – 2 Chronicles 7:14

Any thoughts?  Will you commit to seek God’s face from this point forward, no matter the cost?   

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