Wednesday, June 10, 2020

The Leaves Of The Tree

“In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.” Revelation 22:2

Trust is a key component in any relationship.  Weather it be a marriage, courtship, friendship, business, or a once a week encounter with your mailman, the presence of trust is always beneficial, and the absence of it detrimental.    

The leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.  When Adam and Eve ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they broke the covenant with God.  The trust and fellowship that God had with mankind was severed and they were cast out “lest they partake of the tree of life and live forever.”  The healing and redemption therefore had to come from God, and the leaves of the tree of life are symbolic of that redemption; that healing.  Perhaps one of the most amazing pieces of scripture in all the Word of God is that God made man “in his likeness.”  The Creator chose to create us in his likeness.  He trusted us with that responsibility, and further still with the husbandry of His creation.  We were his prized possession, place in the Garden and given the ability to choose.  Satan came in and tempted us to break that relationship and betray that trust.  To quote a preacher I heard recently: “Satan wanted to strike a blow to the heart of man, so he could strike a blow to the heart of God.”  The tempter drew away Adam and Eve by their own lust and they sinned in the Garden.  All the evil that follows man today is a result of that initial betrayal.  It is all because of sin.  The issue is sin.  It is not a government issue, it is not an economic issue, it is not a race issue; it’s a sin issue.  That sin nature that lives within mankind is hateful and selfish.  It will drive you to trust yourself instead of God, and when we stop trusting God and start trusting ourselves it will only serve to divide us.  It will divide us because we will all cling to self-preservation.   The Bible says the greatest commandment is to: “Love God and love your neighbor.”  Self-preservation says, “love yourself, and those that will help you exalt yourself.”  When we are no longer in the likeness of His image, we take on the likeness of the world and we reduce ourselves to worldly labels in the interest of self-preservation so that you are Democrat and I am Republican.  You are black person and I am a white person.  You are upper class and I am middle class.  We cannot be a people of one mind, because we are devoted to the carnal mind.  So consumed with self, there is no room for anything else.  The healing that comes from the tree of life is a spiritual healing.  It is the destruction of the sin nature within your heart and a rebirth of Christ within you.  You are brought into union with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost.  You partake of the tree of life, and in partaking you are married to Christ and divorced from sin.   

God desires us to have fellowship with Him once more, to be made anew in His likeness and in His image.  He desires it so much that he sent His only Son to pay the debt and pave the way.  Jesus is the answer to the affliction of sin, and when you believe on Jesus, put your trust in Jesus, he will save you from your sin.  He will save you from yourself.  The leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.  Only when we start trusting God, will we begin to trust each other, and until we trust each other there can be no fruitful relationship.