Wednesday, January 23, 2019

The Bread That Matters

“I am that bread of life.” – John 6:48

The more you exist in this physical world, the more you begin to realize how fleeting it is.  When you are full of youth strength seems to spring eternal, but as you grow older you begin to realize that the “world passeth away.”  No one, nowhere, can contend against this truth.  We will all physically getting older, weaker, and will one day pass away.  These facts being readily present, let us seek after that “bread” which will give life beyond the physical.

In the sixth chapter of John Jesus is not suggesting that we substitute one forum of physical bread for another and then label the second His flesh.  Rather, he is commanding that we look to a different source for nutrients that will feed an unseen spiritual man.  Jesus begins by telling of Moses and the bread that fell from heaven in the wilderness.  His audience would have understood this reference because they were Jews.  You see, long ago, for the space of 40 years, the Jewish nation that then was wandering in the wilderness because of their own disobedience.  Now, while they were there, God fed them all by dropping bread or manna out of the sky for them to gather each morning and eat each day.  That bread fed their physical bodies.  Eventually time lapsed and they all died a physical death just like you and I will one day.  It did not grant them spiritual life only prolonged their day of death.  The bread that Jesus is offering is not something that can be seen with the natural eye, and it is not something that is meant to sustain the natural body.  It is a spiritual bread that brings spiritual life; it is Jesus, it’s for you, and for me.  Jesus Christ is the bread of life; not physical life mind you but spiritual life.  We do not physically eat his flesh and drink his blood, nor do we eat and drink anything that represents Him.  However, we must spiritually partake of Jesus Christ.  First by partaking in His death.  We do this by dying out to our wills, ways, and wishes.  We consecrate all that we are, and plan to be.  Totally surrendering everything to Him.  After you partake in His death you will be resurrected and gifted the Holy Spirit.  This Holy Spirit will guide and keep you.  This is not done because you are so great; no number of friends, money, power, or prestige can save you.  It is the power of God that raises you out of the grave of sin just as it raised Jesus Christ out. 

This spiritual communion with Christ is the bread of life, but you must continually grow in your new spiritual life.  You are now a new born baby and as such you must continually partake of Jesus Christ: by reading the Bible, praying, and assembling with like-minded Christians.  By partaking of this bread you will find that your spiritual man will grow stronger and stronger even though your physical body waxes weaker and weaker.  Jesus Christ is the bread of life, everlasting life, let us therefore set our hearts after this bread.  The bread that matters.