“Vessel unto Honor, Sanctified, and meet for the Master’s use.”
What honor hath a man that is not living for the Master’s use? What use hath the Master for a vessel that is not Sanctified unto him? But to be a vessel unto honor, Sanctified and meet; that is to say worthy, accepted, profitable for the use of the Master. What I been thinking on this week is….what kind of Vessel do you want to be?
I believe that in this world there are two types of vessels. One vessel is a vessel unto honor, and one is a vessel unto dishonor. Both vessels are used, however the real question is by whom? And for what? Let us transplant our minds back to the Old Testament and the Old law to find the answer to this question. In the day of first covenant, the cleansing from sin was only found in physical practices carried out by a select group of men. These men where commonly known as priests. In this day, they used “vessels” to carry out these practices of cleansing the people. The vessels they used where “sanctified” to the service of God. They were usually fashioned of gold or silver. They were only handled by men that were Holy and only used in the Holy Temple for Holy purposes. These were Holy, Sanctified, vessels, that command honor from the people simply because they were used specifically for the work of God. By now one has concluded that these are the vessels unto honor.
Quickly let us move to address the other vessel; the vessel unto dishonor. These are typically made from earth, wood, or other crude substances. They have no specific use, but rather are used by all men. They are not separate, but most notably used for any and all purposes that a MAN would desire. They are fashioned out of lesser material, used for everyday activities and have no honor, because their master is a man, and man has no honor in and of himself. Their purpose is what condemns them to a dishonorable state, to speak plainly, their purpose is not a Holy purpose; therefore they are vessels of dishonor.
Now consider these two vessels and ask yourself, which vessel am I? Which vessel do I want to be? For you see those instruments in that day did not have a choice, they were made by man and there purpose determined their honor. We however have a choice. Jesus paid for our choice. We can choose to repent of our sinful ways and ask his Holy Spirit to enter in and purge us of every: crude, sinful, egocentric, selfish carnal desire. That is a dishonor to God, because it is “contrary to the law of God.” His spirit can purge us of that, and make us a Sanctified vessel of honor to him. This is the true testimony of Jesus and the ultimate purpose of all humanity. To “spend and be spent in the service of God.” The HOLY Spirit comes down and finds a lodging place in a cleansed/justified human heart. That Spirit reworks the control center and thereby reworks the purpose of that human’s life. He creates the man anew; not by reworking the outer flesh of the man, but by rewiring the inner heart of a man. The person is purified, Sanctified and placed in the service of a Holy God for a Holy purpose. As one dear solider of God said “He didn’t Sanctify us to sit us down.” It is the Spirit that brings honor and only the Spirit, because we have a choice to consecrate our lives to God and accept his Spirit; we decided which vessel we chose to be. We can be crude, run of the mill, vessels unto dishonor; OR “vessels unto honor, Sanctified, and meet for the Master’s use, prepared unto every good work.”
This week my mind has been “deeply exercised” on the topic of being a vessel unto honor. To daily consecrate every fabric of my humanity, to accomplish the complete will of the Almighty. We need God to honor us now more than ever, and he will not honor us if we do not honor him. For today is the time and now is the moment; the sight of tomorrow’s sunrise is most uncertain. The shadow of the cross still questions to the human heart, “Choose you this day whom you will serve.” This is what I have been thinking on this week. What have you been thinking on?
(Please respond to pgcollins65@gmail.com, comment or follow.)
Really enjoyed this weeks sermon Bro. Patrick! Glad you closed up with "choose you this day whom ye shall serve." Thankful that Jesus died so we can have that choice. As I get older I'm realizing that I make a conscious decision of whom I'm going to serve every day. I love how the lord deals with his people, and as we consistently choose to serve him how he shapes us into the vessel he wants us to be. Laying our lives down as a living sacrifice and being meat for the masters use. Thanks again for your weekly thoughts, praying for you and yours as you earnestly contend for the faith.
ReplyDelete"He creates the man anew; not by reworking the outer flesh of the man, but by rewiring the inner heart of a man."
ReplyDeleteI love this! It is all about what's in your heart. God truly changes a person from within, because He comes and dwells in us!
I found this verse that I really like:
Ezekiel 36:26-27
26 A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh. 27 And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them.
With the Holy Spirit dwelling in us we will be vessels unto honor; vessels unto the Lord!
Also when you wrote “Choose you this day whom you will serve.” My thoughts went to Matthew 12:30 He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.
After reading that it seems like a pretty easy choice to make, if you're not with God you're against God?! Who would want to be against God!?!
I choose to be a vessel unto honor; a vessel unto the Lord!