Wednesday, August 8, 2012

What is Sanctification?

It is curious thing that creates a thread of thought in the human mind.  A line in a sentence, phrase in a song, or a remark someone made in passing conversation.  Some threads are sown into the fabric of conversation, or transcribed upon a page, while others sit and remain in the closet of one’s mind.  I had a particular thread of thought come to my mind this week; it was a challenge issued to me some time ago by a man I greatly respect.  He said to me “try to write out what Sanctification is in the most simple, plain, and concise forum you possibly can.”  What I have been thinking on this week is just that; Sanctification woven in the most simple, plain, and concise way (not a job for one man, nor accomplished-except through the help of the Spirit).  In this light I offer the below statement:

What is Sanctification?

“Sanctification is a second work of grace, in which God and his Son, by way of the Holy Spirit, comes down and inhabits a forgiven and converted human heart. (see Acts 2)  Thereby eradicating the nature to sin and instantaneously giving us the power to live free from sin; this promotes in a human’s heart and life, unparalleled liberty. (see 2 Corinthians 3:17) This work of grace sets the heart to the complete will of God, and no longer to the will of man.  It must happen before death, because a sinful soul cannot enter into heaven. (see Hebrews 12:14)”    

What do you think? Would you add anything, or perhaps take something away?  Maybe you are thinking, “Why does it even matter?”  It matters because we will rise no higher than what we believe; and if what we believe falls short of God’s standard, then we fall short.  I don’t know about you, but in matters of eternity, and the destination of my soul, I don’t want to fall short.  So I invite you to try and answer the question: 
What is Sanctification?  Try and answer it in the most simple, plain, and concise terms you can.  More importantly…examine yourself, and see if your life answers to it. 

Please send your answers to –I look forward to reading them J

P.S.-if you cannot answer nor have this experience in your heart, I encourage you….no, I beg you to reply with question about Sanctification to

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