Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Song Lost

“How shall we sing the Lord's song in a strange land?” Psalms 137:4 
Satan desires to make inroads into our minds and torture us with doubt, fear and unrest.  So much of what we see and hear influences the condition of our thoughts; whether we choose to admit it or not.  As the noise and commotion of the city drowns out the sweet song of a sparrow.  So this world will drown out the Lord’s song in your life, if you let it.  “It will rob you of your joy and take your peace.” (Uncle Ray)  However, we have a firm defense against it all, for the scripture tells us “thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee.” (Isaiah 26:3)  
People everywhere are in search for peace; in many different respects and through many different avenues.  However, only Jesus can bring you into perfect peace, and once you are brought to perfect peace he will keep you there; if you do your part.  This is not to say that there will never be times when the connection was not so strong and the glory waves so prevalent.  Perhaps you have recently experienced times of confusion and cloudiness; through no fault of your own, it’s just your turn in the fog.  That being said, I am coming to believe that, more often than not we open doors for the devil to invade our mind.  We invite him in through the avenue of what we see and listen to.  This is the danger of television, movies, worldly music……….. “Wait! Wait! Wait!  Hold on now their brother.  That’s legalism.”  Legalism, legalism!  That is the cry often heard when this avenue of conversation is persuade, but let us stop and consider.  Lower your swords for just a moment and think rationally, Biblically.  If you daily fill your mind with images and sounds of violence and aggression, is there a wonder why you struggle to find peace?  Feeding our minds with a steady diet of violence, murder, lust, and all manned ungodly action; then we wonder why there is no praise in our heart; no burden for lost souls, and little communion with God?  A constant stream of images and sounds to conjure violence, conjure lust, or pride, and perhaps worst of all, indifference.  The unyielding rhythmic beat of the world that makes you numb to God, and to the Spirit’s keen sting of correction.  One might now say, “well brother, you can live in a cave your whole life and experience all these ungodly tempers; and moreover, there are those who are just as proud and haughty about what they abstain from.”  If you make these claims (whether audible or inaudible) you would be quite correct, but this is hardly a reason to throw the matter out entirely and ingest every ungodly notion of worldly entertainment.  Please believe me when I say this is not an attempt to isolate something in anyone’s life and judge it unholy.  For as soon as I would cast my judgment, you could find something in my life to cast judgment at.  Then we would be throwing stones at each other and what would that profit the Kingdom of God?  Rather this is a short appeal in love, a small effort to bring into light an enemy which is operating in the invisible.  An attempt to bring to the table of discussion the invisible invader; who would have us forget to discipline our minds.  Forget to hone our thoughts.  Forget to be careful of what we see hear and ascribe to.  This enemy desires to invade and steal us away into a strange land.  Where we can no longer sing the Lord’s song or hear his sweet voice; and all this injustice to be done within the cavity of our own minds, and without our realization.    

The things of this world are a stranger to the Christian; and the constant intake of the world produces an atmosphere of it in your mind until you cannot sing the Lord’s song anymore.  It doesn't happen overnight, but, by and by you forget how to sing of love, of deliverance, of peace.  You cannot sing because you cannot hear his voice (I speak from experience).  If the melody of the Spirit is lost in the commotion of the world; remove the hindrance, make a flight to prayer, and take the Word of God.  Begin again to migrate back to God and out of the strange land, until you can hear the Savior’s voice once more; and sing the Lord’s song.           

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