Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Chameleon vs. Lion

“17 They zealously affect you, but not well; yea, they would exclude you, that ye might affect them.” Galatians 4:17

There is a vast difference between a chameleon and a lion.  When a chameleon finds himself in an uncomfortable situation or surrounding, its natural instinct is to conform to that surrounding.  Their salvation is directly linked to their ability to be affected by their surroundings.  Contrast this with that of a lion; when they find themselves in an uncomfortable situation their natural instinct is to stand fast and roar.  Lions are bold, strong, unbending, uncompromising, sure, steadfast; they affect their surroundings more than they are affected by them.    
In the bold and italicized text above Paul is writing to the Galatians about a particular issue occurring in the church.  At first glance it may seem far removed from us in these “modern” times, but in essence we face the same issue today.  The issue was basically this, there were those coming in behind Paul sowing lies laced with a little truth, and apparently they were taking root.  By reading the scripture it is safe to assume that they were telling the Galatians that the old Jewish law was still in effect even though Christ came.  So, the question then becomes: why would this be an issue?  Well, it was for many reasons, one of which was that the Jewish law promoted a “sin and repent” salvation.  It also belittled the power of Jesus Christ and what His blood and His sacrifice did/does for us.  The church in Galatia was being affected by these false teachers that they were surrounding themselves with, and it was not good for their spiritual well-being.  Now, stop and ask yourself, do you face the same temptation today? 
As Christian’s we are called to be in the world but not of the world.  Jesus keeps us from the evil of the world by transforming that which desires the world.  However, as with the Galatians, when you begin to consistently listen and surround yourself with the teachings of this world they will zealously affect you.  “Sin, is fine and sinning is “ok”; you are the god of your own life, do with it what you will.”  This is the world’s message and it is loud and proud.  If you listen long enough it will affect you.  Jesus teaches of love, humility, servitude, sacrifice, obedience, goodness; he speaks of being blameless, peaceful, sober, righteous, and godly.  Ascribing under Jesus’s teaching and surrounding yourself with His message (both in church and out of it) will affect you; and it will be well.  When you are transformed by Jesus Christ and you surrender to his will, His will begins to take you contrary to the world.  You don’t have to go out and look for things to be contrary to, it will naturally happen, and when it does they (being those that love the world) will begin to exclude you because you might affect them!  Praise God!  Then you really have a chance to affect them once they being to exclude you, because every deed of animosity and rebellion expressed towards you by them is an opportunity to exemplify the inexpressible love of God.  When we Christians stand as lions in this opportunity, gradually the undeniable love of God will be spread across this nation and souls will be won for His kingdom; because “charity never faileth.” 
All this can and will happen if we “stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” (Gal 5:1) Satan knows this and that is why he tempts many of us, if not all of us, to hang around the worldly crowd, sit under sin and repent preaching, and continually harness ourselves to the church of YOU.  He does this because he knows that they will zealously affect us and it will not be well.  Furthermore, he knows that if we resolve to segregate ourselves from such and commit to follow God, God will lead us to a place where they will exclude us so as not to be effected, but in that exclusion they can only create opportunity.   Therefore, my brother my sister, let us all resolve to wholly embrace the teachings of Jesus Christ and His Holy Word, and stand in this day as a lion; for with Jesus can we stand.      

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