Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Amen

“And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; these things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;” – Revelation 3:14

It is difficult for humanity to understand how absolute the word of God is.  This is no wonder; we live in a world that is ever changing and yielding.  Nearly everything we see, touch, and experience is fleeting; how can we as humans possible understand that God’s word will last through eternity?  What he said years and years ago will still be just as true and unbending then, as it will be thousands of years later; his Word is eternally absolute, and if the Father is eternally absolute than so is the Son.  Jesus Christ is eternally absolute, he is the Amen.
There is great joy in seeking knowledge of the Word of God, however it does not supersede the necessity of believing the Word of God.  In believing we find change, not in knowledge; knowledge, and intellectual gain does not save our souls, faith is the saving agent.  How glad we should be that there is no Biblical SAT that we must pass in order to get into heaven.  This gospel is for whosoever will; a man with a doctorate of divinity from Harvard University can be just as lost as a man drunk in the ditch, and the doctorate of divinity can find God through faith just as the drunk in the ditch can.  There is no respect of persons with God and his Son Jesus Christ.  “Ok, if by faith, then faith in what?”  Faith in the Amen, faith in the absolute word of Jesus Christ the Son of God, the faithful and true witness from the beginning.  He himself charged us with all the might of God that we must believe on Him, and he himself told us that we must be born again.  The words from His very lips are as absolute and binding as the Ten Commandments that were carved in stone; whether they bless you or curse you they are binding, they are the Amen.  Please, consider this, if a Christian and an Atheist had a debate on worldwide television and that Christian did not win a single argument, in fact he was soundly beaten; the Atheist is still wrong.  If a television news channel runs a special next week and marches out conclusive concrete evidence that Jesus Christ never walked this earth, and was never the Son of God; guess what, Jesus is still the Son of God and did walk on earth.  Jesus is the Amen, His word is absolute, yesterday, today, and forever.  Do you believe it?
If you choose to believe it, and it is your choice, then you must believe all of it.  We cannot “grocery shop” when it comes to the plan of salvation.  We cannot say, “I like the idea of eternal life, but…..the whole “carrying my cross” thing is just not for me.  I don’t want to be labeled a “Christian;” I don’t want to be one of those people.”  Please understand, God help us all to understand, that the promise “to Him that overcometh God will give a crown”, is just as sure and eternal as the promise “the wages of sin is death”.  Jesus Christ is absolute and as he says it “so be it.”  To the righteous is a great truth to stand on.  When the storms of life come we can trust in the Amen and His word “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”  When we get a little weary we can take courage in the truth “be ye not weary in well doing;” and when he says “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth give I unto you.” We can know that God can give you an assurance that surpasses any in this world.  The Amen speaks great comfort, encouragement, and admonishment to those who love Him, and great judgment and vengeance to those who do not.  This is not because he is cruel or unloving, rather, because he is absolute.  Jesus Christ is the Amen.             

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