“And God saw the light, that it was
good: and God divided the light from the darkness.” Genesis 1:4
In the beginning, God divided the light from the darkness. The two cannot mix, both cannot be present
anywhere at any time. The light rules
over the darkness, and darkness must flee before it. God saw the light and that is was good, and
by extension good is draw to the light.
Rarely do you see a crowded bar or club in the daytime. There is a reason that people looking for a
“good time” inquire about the “nightlife.”
The Bible says that “they loved
darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil. (John 3:19)” God
saw that the light was good, good draws goodness and promotes goodness. The darkness is divided from the light and
forever will be. Jesus is the light.
The analogies and allegories, while may be painfully obvious to
some, are not, or rather cannot, be overstated.
Jesus is the “light which lighteth
every man that cometh into the world. (John 1:9)” He is the bright and
morning star, he is the day star that shall arise in our hearts. We can be physically born into this world in
the night or the day, but spiritually, we are always born into darkness. That is the condition in which every soul
finds themselves, and just as the physical light is divided from the darkness,
so is the spiritual light divided from the darkness. There is no communion or fellowship with the
Father of light and His Son Jesus Christ, because there is darkness within our
hearts. Sin is that darkness. It is silent, cold, and bleak. It robs us of warmth, sight and fellowship
with our Creator. God desires that you
have light, he sent His Son so that we might have light and life; so when you
come to Jesus Christ, asking for forgiveness he forgives. Then you pled the blood calling for Christ to
come into your heart and he does. The
light of God enters in and brings warm, light and life. It is from this point forward that the devil
seeks and tempts you, trying to draw you back to the darkness. God divided the light from the darkness in the
beginning not only for our physical benefit, but that we might understand good
and evil, holiness and sin, righteousness and wickedness; Jesus and the
devil. The Holy Ghost comes down to
sanctify us, so that we might have the light and life of Jesus. As the sun rises in the eastern sky, so is
the sanctifying power of Jesus Christ in our hearts. It dawns on us in an instant and we are
changed from darkness to light, from the
power of Satan to that of God (Acts 26:18).
The light is birthed within us and we walk in the light as he is in the light and have fellowship one with
another and the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin (1 John 1:7). It is not a continual cleansing but a sanctifying
and keeping cleansing. A complete
The blood of Jesus removes all sin and the light of God reigns
within, keeping us from sin; as long as we keep ourselves close to him. Through the power of Christ, God can/will
divide us from the darkness within; and He can keep us that way as long as we yield
and obey.
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