“Jesus said unto them, If ye were blind, ye should have no sin:
but now ye say, We see; therefore your sin remaineth.” – John 9:41
Before Jesus there was a “great gulf” fixed
between God and mankind. The sin in man
separated us from a holy God and we could not have that personal relationship
with Him that once was. Jesus Christ
came to reconcile that and bring us back into full fellowship. His teaching and preaching went out to
everyone and anyone. He wanted to save
the lost sinner and bring them back to oneness with God.
The Son of God died so that you and I could
have a personal relationship with God.
His blood was the bridge that allowed us to cross the gulf of sin and enter
the holiness of God. It is access given
to the individual who repents of their sin.
However, in order to repent of our sins, we must first recognize that we
are in sin. That we are blind to
holiness and need a Savior. We come into
this world with a predisposition to disobey God, but this disposition is masked
by our childish innocence. However, it
is not long until we shed that innocence and the disposition to sin begins to
manifest itself. The decisions we make,
make us; by and by we find within ourselves an inability to cease from sin. Christ can save you from this if you let
him. He can save you if you admit you’re
blind, if you admit you are going the wrong way. You cannot be saved from sin if you don’t recognize
that you are in sin. Everyone that is
saved, at some point, they had to admit that they were lost. They had to tell God: “I am lost, I am blind,
and I cannot live right on my own.”
There must be a point when you own up to your inability and embrace His
ability. The state of your blindness
realized and the desire for healing must be your principle goal. It is not good to be totally blind to the
ways of God, but it is worse still to be totally blind and yet you 100% affirm
that you are not. In my grade school days,
I had to plod through this thing called “algebra.” The concept of it all was totally lost to me,
but worse still I was sure that I was doing it right and needed no
assistance. Though it was so clear to
everyone around me that I needed some serious help, it was blind to me.
We cannot afford to wander through this life
with blindness. It may be painfully
obvious to those around you that you need Jesus, it may not be. You may have it all together; good job, good
spouse, great kids, great house….but you’re totally dead inside. A gulf fixed between you and God, between you
and true peace. The sin and unrest will
remain if the blindness does. However,
when you confess your inability, and cry out to God, then he can work. He can help, he can heal, and he can
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