“Behold, I will send for many fishers, saith the Lord, and they shall fish them; and after will I send for many hunters, and they shall hunt them from every mountain, and from every hill, and out of the holes of the rocks.”-Jeremiah 16:16
Pursuit is essential if you wish to be a successful hunter or fisherman. In order to catch a fish, then you must pursue them in their environment. If you would kill a deer, rabbit, duck, turkey or some other game; then you have to pursue them in their habitat (unless you hit one with your car, I suppose). The hallmark of the hunter is not only his or her skill in gaining their quarry, but the fierceness in which they pursue it.
The Lord told Jeremiah that he would send fishers and hunters after His people. His people, a people that he chose, he loved, and he cherished. His people that were a sin sick and sin laden people. A people who had backslidden and called gods that were no gods; then rejected the one true God. A people who had lost their way and the Lord said “I will send for” many fishers who will fish for them, and many hunters. Christ would later say “follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” Consider the effort to catch game (fish or otherwise). Typically, one must first understand the habitat where they live. This requires experience and study. Then one must know their behavior, again more experience and study. Once they are reasonably confident in an area of water or parcel of land that will yield a harvest and is fit for pursuing the quarry, they then must gather up his or her tools for the chase which could include for fishing rods, reels, boat, tackle, and for hunting gun, camouflage, decoys, calls, dogs, and a host of other things. Seeing as most do not live on the ocean or in the woods you must now leave your home, bed, and possibly irritated spouse to pursue whatever it is you wish to obtain. Should this pursuit take minutes or even under an hour, count yourself lucky. More than likely it will go on for hours and hours, perhaps even days. However, no matter the conditions: rain, shine, cold, or heat; or the cost, the game must be pursued until captured. This is the burden of the huntsman, or the fishermen. The Lord said: “I will send.” God called many prophets in the Old Testament and sent them out to preach the gospel. He sent them to the people, burdened with a message and a mission. They were burdened for the lost, with the same burden that God felt. This motivated them in their pursuit. God teaching them and directing them with the right message, and method to get the job done as he saw fit. The disciples in the New Testament who left their nets (for some were literally fishermen) and followed Jesus. They would one day lead multitudes to Jesus Christ. They were empowered by the Holy Spirit and burning with a passionate pursuit for the lost. Even though they were tortured, imprisoned, impoverished, and lived under the immediate threat of death; this would not dissuade them from the one passionate pursuit of knowing Christ, preaching Christ, and converting souls to Christ. They were hunters and fishers of souls.
In life, we all have our pursuits; some necessary, and some not. For each of us there is a driving force behind what we are chasing. A reason, a “why factor.” In all our pursuits, whether it be a better job, education, home, relationship, or some form of recreation or self-improvement; the question is not are they virtuous, or even necessary, but how many are because we were called and sent after it by God? How many are for our cause and how many for the cause of Christ? With each precious second of life, we invest in our pursuits, but can we say with a clear conscience that the Almighty has called and sent us there? If so, then glory to God! If not, then why are we doing it? Lord help us to lay down the uninspired pursuit and ask direction from Him who will direct us. The unction of the Holy Spirit will call and send only the willing.
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