“He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” – Matthew 16:15-18
When Peter answered this question through the revelation that God gave him, his revelation is what Christ pronounced would be the foundation of His church. That revelation confessed by Peter was that Jesus was The Christ, meaning the Savior; and that He was the Son of God.
It is critical to understand that when Jesus asked the question of “whom do men say that I am?”, he did not simply put this question to Peter alone, nor his disciples, but to us all. It is a question that echoes throughout the ages. “Whom do men say I am?” Who do you say Jesus is? There are many that take his name, but they take his name in vain. They will claim great works and try to do great things all in the name of Jesus, but it is not. This is evident because the gospel they preach, the life they lead, and the testimony they give in no way reconciles with the teachings of Jesus. As A.W. Tozer once said, “men will do whatever they want to do and just put “for Jesus” at the end of it.” This is how we have gotten to: “coffee for Jesus, rock and roll for Jesus, even (in some cases) beers for Jesus.” I would say the biggest antiChrist in American today is the love of self; many times, with the moniker “for Jesus” placed on the end of it. It is anti-Christ because first, he is the Savior, he is the one we are to serve, to love, and to glorify. The gospel saves you, but that doesn’t mean it is all about you. The gospel is the goods news of Jesus Christ delivered to you. Which brings us to the second point, that the Son of God died for you. Not for you to have a better life, better bank account, better relationship, but for you. He wants you, and me. To reconcile you back to Himself, and to the Father. To bring you out of sin and into a right relationship with Him. In His death and by his resurrection he made it so you can be first, forgiven of sins committed, and subsequently filled with His Holy Spirit. Forgiven and filled. This is because of the Savior and Son, Jesus. Since he is Savior and Son, everything he preached and taught is God. If it came from Him, it came from God. Therefore, he is also the Word. Which means that we must follow Him. This is the principal object of the Christian; in fact, the very word implies being Christ like. Meaning, we bless and not curse, we give and not take, we love and not hate; we live free from sin. Yes, free from all sin; through Jesus Christ. Our lives reflect the Savior and Son we serve. This is the rock where Jesus would build His church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. Any church that is not built on this, the gates of hell can prevail against it. However, a church that is built on Christ the gates of hell will not prevail against it. Perhaps there is a physical church building somewhere that is built as such, and Satan has no foothold nor ever prevails, but I have never seen the like. If there is then bless God, but if there never will be then there will always be a church written in heaven, a universal church of the firstborn. This church is built on Christ and its membership roll written in heaven. These are they who have died out to sin and raised again by the power of God, brought into unity of everlasting fellowship by the indwelling of the Holy Ghost. Those who witness in their hearts to the rock of ages. Who confess the Savior, the Son of the living God. Are you among them?
On this rock I will build my church, and the gates shall not prevail. Herein we have all we need to combat the armies of Satan. What are you built on? What is the church you attend built on? A pastor, a program, a “feel good message”? If Satan has the whole place until every member is bound by sin, and the Holy Ghost is not bringing victory; look to the foundation. If Christ is your church and you have the smile of God on your congregation, then Satan is coming to attack; look to the foundation. No matter where you are, look to the foundation, for he is a strong rock mighty to save, and powerful to keep.
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