“Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations.” – Psalm 90:1
The knowledge that God knows us inside and out is a fearful thing can be a fearful thing to a sinful man. He knows, he knows our most secret sins, our innermost desires, he sees what we did and why we did it. The truth that all this will come to light at judgment should stir the sinner to repentance. However, to the child of God, the knowledge that we are known is a glorious comfort. When the Holy Ghost brings this knowledge of being known to our hearts, we find a glorious peace. We find a wonderful dwelling place if we yield to His will. We find a rest and comfort in the fact that God is in control. No matter how dark the night or how long the day, Jesus Christ knows the situation and “he can supply all our need according to his riches in glory.” In this we find rest, in this we find peace amiss great chaos.
Jesus is “before all things and by him all things consist.” There is nothing that happens in your life or in mine that he stops and says: “well, I didn’t see that coming.” He has the help lined up before the hindrance hits. He has the solution in the works before there is a problem. He can bring peace in a storm, and completeness to the broken. Where can you turn to in this world to find a Savior like Jesus? What rest, what comfort is there like the rest and comfort in the Lord? What can money buy, or friendship bring that could compare to the comfort of being known by God and His Christ? A bottle, or a drug, or another; so many things that people are turning to looking for rest; looking for comfort. However, no substantial comfort can be given. The only true comfort is in the arms of Jesus. When you have the Holy Ghost on the inside, he witnesses to your heart that you are a child of God. Through this vehicle God says, “you are mine.” When we yield to His divine leading it brings glorious assurance that he is in control and in this we find rest and comfort that the God of this universe is guiding my life. This is a dwelling place that is unparalleled. This rest is only found in Jesus Christ; men come and go, pleasures come and go, but Jesus is steadfast and unmovable; he is eternal in heaven and because of that he can be a dwelling place across many generations.
One day, we, each one, will no longer be on this earth. Somewhere, someone, will likely be standing over our lifeless bodies giving an account of the life we lived. As they speak, those coming behind us who knew us will recount in their minds the life we lead, they will remember the choices we made, and they will remember where we chose to find rest. Those that know, those behind us looking to us to see where we find our strength in times of crisis, they look to what we lean on, and who we run to. They look to where we find comfort, peace, and rest. They look because they are looking, so stop and ask yourself. Where are you pointing them?
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